Thursday, March 4, 2010

Unavailable Focus

The moments where are minds are not cluttered with todo items, deadlines, reminders, emotional issues, & other stressful thoughts are the times where we can really become effective. The challenge of living a spirutally balanced life often is found in our inability to be focused. When your mind isn't unavailable to all of the seemingly 'urgent' components of daily life, your spirit & heart can't be available to hear the voice of wisdom, calm, serenity, direction, peace, or comfort.
The focus that comes when there isn't a thousand things trying to get your attention is essential to having a healthy & balanced life. Setting aside time to write, think, pray, listen & just 'be' will make refresh so much more than you can imagine. Our values get mixed up when we keep going from here to there, checking this box, making this deadline, finishing that project, making that call, and doing it all over again tomorrow & calling it: living.
Humans weren't created to be machines of productivity. We were created to reflect a glorious & amazingly in depth Creator & to live a life that honors him. Thats hard to do when the most important thing in life isn't being, but doing. It bares repeating: we were created as human beings, not human doings.


  1. When the Bible said, "Be still and know that I am God" it was a command. It didn't recommend it, or encourage it, it said to BE still. I have recently emerged from a type-A overachieving whirlwind lifestyle into a CHOICE life of taking time each day to obey this command in God's Word. It is true, PCH, that when I am still I can see God the clearest. I have also come to KNOW Him as God better through those times. The unexpected bonus, the All-knowing God has gotten to know me better too, because we share more quality time together! :)

  2. well said Cindi! It keeps us from feeling overwhelmed and stressed out when we are obedient to His command.
