Thursday, March 11, 2010

DMV Always Is Funny!

Best story ever. Ready. Begin.
I take Thursdays off. My best friend Katieli, needed me to help him register the Road Runner that I gave him a few months ago. So we went to the DMV and had a hard time finding it because of the endless sea of cars parked on the street. Apparently we weren't alone.

We did what I always do when there is a long line...we cut. Just kidding. But I did walk to the very front, picked up a "Change of Address" for my license, and while I was there asked the guy my question. He informed me I'd have to wait in line to get my registration appointment, and the line was 3 HOURS LONG!!! Are you kidding me? I could go to San Diego and back in that time!

Thats when I remembered I had AAA. We left to go over there (where it took 20 minutes for us to be on our way!), and thats when one of the funniest moments at a DMV ever happened.

On our way in, we said hi to a man who was just standing on the island by my car. He was a middle aged man, nice enough, and unshaven. He had a flannel on, and looked like he had drank a few beers already. It was 9:14am. I'm getting ready to back up, I then see a man in a big truck who sees me backing up, and of course, he wants my spot. He stops, gets his truck into reverse, but theres a problem. There is a car behind him, that also saw my spot and wont back up. "Prepare for the MAIN EVENT!"

At first, they honked. Then the big truck threatened to run him over & revved his engine. Then they yelled. I mean, YELLED! Recap to this point: Honking. Revving. There is more yelling. There is more honking. The big truck HONK, and then the tiny, little baby honk from the Datsun behind him. Not only that, but my friend on the island is yelling at the car behnd him: "Back up you (cussing ensued)! Quit wining, you're a (cussing continued).

Being the observer that I am, I can see that we are clearly at an impasse.

I get out of the Road Runner, head over to the Datsun and very politely said: "Sir, I'm trying to back up, can you please back up so this man can too, and I can leave?" He replied in a VERY strong European accent (which, only further set off my NRA card carrying, Pledge of Allegiance reciting, cussing, drunk & proud to be an American and at least he knows he's free "buddy" on the island), "I ohnlay naid to gehou around, kind sur!"

Thats when "Carl" let him have it. He said, quite distinctly...and I quote: "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, Waaaaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaah! Quit your cryin, you little baby, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, WAAAAAAAAAH!!! (More Cussing)!"

And we wonder why they hate Americans.

I waited for the truck guy to circle back so he could have my spot, because I was feeling very American, and I knew I was free also, so on way out, I said with a boisterous chuckle what only was appropriate to Carl the DMV Gatekeeper:
"God Bless America!"
He smiled & waved proudly, unaware of my sarcasm. Kat & I peeled out, and laughed our heads off as we drove away.
The End. See you at Remnant on Tuesday. Carl will be there.

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