Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Remnant stories keep POURING in from last night!! I'm so in awe of the story that God is writing through his ministry: Remnant. From the beginning, we believed that God destined this ministry to represent His heart to people who were burnt out on the religion of Christianity, but still desired Jesus to be what shaped & guided their lives. To date we've seen that happen in some special ways.

We've had 5 atheists give their lives to Christ in the past 5 months. People who thought 'church' or 'god' just wasn't for them, are suddenly filled with awe & wonder that they have found a place where they are loved as they are with hope for who they can become. I'd love to tell you about Megan, Dani, Bryon, Scottie, Keyvan, Solomon, Maria, Gracie, Rodger, Amanda, Taylor, Morgan, Taylor, Jessica, and so many others who are quite simply not the same people that walked into "South Hills Next Gen" over the past 10-11 months. There are so many more stories than that...

To top it off, some of my old students who are now college aged came last night and God totally filled their hearts with new passion & excitement about Himself. They said they've been looking for a place where they could love Jesus, not have it all figured out, and still be around the kind of people who were so fun in their love for each other. Welcome to Remnant...thats a few things we want to reflect to this city & world.

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