Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Touching Him

Last night at Remnant we launched our new series "Miracles." We talked about a woman who was considered 'dirty' or unwanted by the standards of her day. She had a condition that made it impossible for her to be touched. When Jesus was touched by her, His power instantly healed her situation.

I was blown away by how Jesus didn't just restore her physically. He allowed her to have access again to a community that she was osterisized from. She was allowed back into the realm of friendship. She could be hugged.

I know a lot of people how have emotional issues that make them difficult to love. I want to introduce you to the real Jesus...He might be different than you've been told. He desires for you to want to touch Him & move His heart towards you. Just know, you will never be the same once you do.

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