Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I got the chance this past weekend to go back up to Lancaster and hang out with my old friends and family. I got to talk to Mama Dora, see Papa Saul, my Estrada girls, my boy Stephen who heard the 'call' with me, and a whole host of leaders & people from my youth ministry days at Lancaster 1st Assembly.

I loved the feeling of being with people who I have so much history with. Its a feeling that makes your want to really value those who God has let you share life with. Its hard to remember that the ones you are around everyday, will one day probably not be there as much. Life tends to move us on from what we have now to what is next.

I want to slow down enough today to really value who I get to have in my daily life. These people will no doubt only have one season to know me and for me to know them. Lets make this season count for all we can make it!!!

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