Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can I Be A Martry for Christ?

I always believed that being a martyr was such an incredible testimony to who you believe Christ is. The very word brings images to my mind that invoke words like: prisoned, poor, torture, dedicated, sacrifice, loyal, passion, servant, & powerful. I have learned lately, that one doesn't have to have that story to be a martyr.

When Jesus Christ left this world, he sent the Holy Spirit to us to testify about Christ. John 15 tells us that we are also to be used by God to testify about Christ. This means we are to be his "witnesses" to this world. A witness in a courtroom gives the perspective on a persons character, actions, and life events. They help people see what the person is really like. Thats what people are suppose to be able to gather by watching our lives.

The Greek word that John uses to describe 'testify' is the word 'martyr.' This is a loaded word for us as Christ followers. We have a rich history of people who have lived & died for the name of Jesus. They lived & died to make sure that people would know the character, actions, & love that God gave us through Christ. This is the same idea that we are to give to the lives we live today.

Are we being 'martyr's' for Christ? You don't have to physcially die to be a martyr...you only have to spiritually die to yourself & begin to live the life that Christ asks us to. To follow His ways and to give up all you have to show this world who he is. They are waiting to hear about Him, what is our life saying about Him...or in other words, what are we testifying about the Christ?

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