Thursday, April 22, 2010

Communication 101

The goal of any communications is to get a point across. If you have enough humility, then you can get your point across everytime. If you just want to win points, then you’ll lose the goal of communicating EVERY TIME. Take for instance this scenario: if a Pit Bull was trained to attack every time it hears certain words, you’d probably be certain to avoid those words.

But when it comes to communicating, it seems we forget this rule of thumb. It’s like we want to see the dog go crazy, so we taunt it. We are shocked when it turns on us, & it hurts us.  It also hurts the dog & trains them not to trust dealing with you. Then every time the dog sees you, it starts barking & getting internly agitated. Many people understand this about dogs, but forget it when it comes to their family members, co-workers, bosses, teachers, and anyone else you have to communicate with in life.

Now, are you going to go in the backyard & start using the words that causes the dog to go crazy, or are you going to learn a better way to communicate your point until they can understand what you're saying. Humility will lead you to this, but many of us have the habit of getting ourselves BIT. Try some humility, and change the words, tone, and facial responses that you use and see how calm the people in your life remain.

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