Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ummmmm, Yah!!!

As promised, Cory Demmel and his team totally ROCKED the house at Remnant last night. They had a dance team, a funny couple of skits, and then some stories that really moved us towards the heart of the Father. Cory preached about the Prodigal Son story, and he emphasized on the "older brother" and the Fathers love for us who have turned away from God.

It was a powerful time to realize that no matter what we have done, there is a God who is wanting to restore you and shower you with love and forgiveness. Pastor Herbie also shared his story that we could all relate to. He is one of the other great communicators of our nation. If you were there, you know what I'm talking about.

At the end, we had their team just pray over all of our students that were wanting to start living out their faith for the right reasons. It was an amazing time and one of our best no doubt! I am waiting with excitement to see what God is going to do in this ministry in the next few months.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cory Demmel is in the House!!

Tonight at Remnant, we are going to get to have one of the nations best leaders in the house. Cory Demmel and his Masters Commission from Bellevue, Nebraska is going to be with us. They have such an amazing team and I can't wait for them to model what it means to really go after people and just own the room.

I've asked him to share his heart on the difference between 'appreciating' or 'enjoying' the spiritual environment in the room vs. being the one that steps out and 'creates' the environment. Its easy to enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor. Its hard to be the one that creates it. When everyone jumps in though, something electric happens in the room.

I can't wait for what God uses Cory to pour into Remnant!! Get ready!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I got the chance this past weekend to go back up to Lancaster and hang out with my old friends and family. I got to talk to Mama Dora, see Papa Saul, my Estrada girls, my boy Stephen who heard the 'call' with me, and a whole host of leaders & people from my youth ministry days at Lancaster 1st Assembly.

I loved the feeling of being with people who I have so much history with. Its a feeling that makes your want to really value those who God has let you share life with. Its hard to remember that the ones you are around everyday, will one day probably not be there as much. Life tends to move us on from what we have now to what is next.

I want to slow down enough today to really value who I get to have in my daily life. These people will no doubt only have one season to know me and for me to know them. Lets make this season count for all we can make it!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Does It Work?

If I desired to be the best golfer in the city of Corona, but didn't do anything to make that possible, I would embarrass myself on the golf course when my friends showed up to 'see my skills!!" (With the best Napolean Dynamite voice possible)

Everything that you and I encounter is the result of a system. Circulatory System, Endocrine System, Solar System and many other examples give us a result based upon an order of how things function or operate together. The way you get ready for bed or for the day is a system. The way a golfer gets ready to swing or putt is a system. Basketball players have a routine or a system for how they shoot free-throws. The way we get a baby ready for a nap or put them to sleep is DEFINITELY a system or routine.

Your spiritual growth is no less affected & influenced by the invisible but very powerful systems that you put into place. You have to marry things that you want done to a system or it will never be done. Systems create desired behaviors in people, work environments, marriages, families, churches, teams, etc. The question is never whether or not you have a system affected your behavior the question is do you know what the system is & is it in a battle with your actual desired behavior or outcome? 

Take a look at how you prepare your heart for a church service, a night out with your spouse, a sermon, or a ministry & you'll find the need to address a routinue or system. If we are to be the spiritually developping people God has called us to be, we have to have a routine that we put into place that will give us the desired outcome.
Otherwise, its just wishful thinking.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Unexpected Story Next to You

Today I got to sit with an amazing young couple who are engaged to be married & have asked me to marry them. I'm so excited to be a part of their story. Here is a little bit about them:

Amanda was a teenager in my previous youth ministry, but after she left it, she couldn't reconcile what she read & believed about Jesus with the actions of many people she was around in church. She became an atheist and began to research things about it and even taught people some things she found. We hadn't heard from her in years, and then about a month ago, her, her sister & their friend walked into Remnant. I always say that you have no idea who walked in the doors tonight, and the way you treat them could dictate what they think about God for YEARS!!!

After receiving the love & care that is now Remnant's DNA, they all were amazed that they could actually be in 'church' and feel God moving in them without feeling judged, criticized or misunderstood.  I asked for those who wanted to give their lives to following this Christ of love, redemption, compassion, and hope, and all 3 of them came forward and prayed!! It was an amazing night for Remnant, them & God's story of love. They all said that they didn't believe a church could feel like this, and that the people were so different than any church they had been to.

Amanda, that same night, asked me if I would marry her & her fiance Nathan and we finally met up today to start our pre-marital sessions. I asked them how God was a part of their lives, and she said: "up until a few weeks ago at Remnant, I was an atheist. So I am just now learning a new (or as we say "ReDefined") way of understanding what Jesus is all about. We are excited to have Him in our lives and we know we can't do this marriage without him."

Whatever church you are apart of, never forget that every week a story walks in and sits right near you. Join in with God on His mission to write those stories of Life Change & hope & watch God use you in ways you can NEVER imagine. They are right next to you everyday!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can I Be A Martry for Christ?

I always believed that being a martyr was such an incredible testimony to who you believe Christ is. The very word brings images to my mind that invoke words like: prisoned, poor, torture, dedicated, sacrifice, loyal, passion, servant, & powerful. I have learned lately, that one doesn't have to have that story to be a martyr.

When Jesus Christ left this world, he sent the Holy Spirit to us to testify about Christ. John 15 tells us that we are also to be used by God to testify about Christ. This means we are to be his "witnesses" to this world. A witness in a courtroom gives the perspective on a persons character, actions, and life events. They help people see what the person is really like. Thats what people are suppose to be able to gather by watching our lives.

The Greek word that John uses to describe 'testify' is the word 'martyr.' This is a loaded word for us as Christ followers. We have a rich history of people who have lived & died for the name of Jesus. They lived & died to make sure that people would know the character, actions, & love that God gave us through Christ. This is the same idea that we are to give to the lives we live today.

Are we being 'martyr's' for Christ? You don't have to physcially die to be a only have to spiritually die to yourself & begin to live the life that Christ asks us to. To follow His ways and to give up all you have to show this world who he is. They are waiting to hear about Him, what is our life saying about Him...or in other words, what are we testifying about the Christ?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Remnant J:High!!

I just left tonights J:High Service for Remnant and it was amazing!! First of all, the hunger these young people have to really honor the Lord with worship is a sight to see! Its so awesome to begin to see the culture of young people really take their own spiritual development seriously. I love watching 6th, 7th, & 8th graders take notes during a message because they are so desiring to make sure that they grow 'themselves' instead of relying on a service to grow them.

Next week, we are going to be combining our Remnant J:High w/ our normal Remnant service for one of our "REMNANT:ONE Services at 7p, June 1st. We are going to have a very special guest speaker with us that night, and you are going to LOVE him!! I can't wait for Remnant to get to hear this guy bring it!!