Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Makes All Things New!

Tonight was really an incredible night. We had 15 students decide to follow the most phenomenal leader this world has ever known, and learn to live as He did. I was so excited to see our students really reaching outside of their comfort zones and learning to love everyone in the room. In time, South Hills Youth Ministry will be known as one of the most incredible places to be in this city from week to week.

To those of you who made the exciting journey into following the Christ, the only Son of the only living God, we welcome you into the family. What is next for you? Its not as hard as you might have been told. Just connect to other people on this incredible journey, connect to God through His Word, talking to Him, and talking to others about Him. It grows the excitement in your heart when you ask questions, share your thoughts, and just go through all this with other people who care.

There is a lot more, but that is the basics for now. Keep feeding your heart for healthy, pure, unselfish, noble, and beautiful things and your heart will grow more whole day by day. Of course its my opinion that there is no other way of doing that then to connect to the living Jesus through talking to Him, reading His Word, and talking with his other followers.
So excited about what's next!

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