Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Memories, Change & Paint

Blogging can be like your favorite summer camp that you go back to. You love the way it feels to be on the site. You can't wait to see the same sights that signal your memories of times past. You hope the people that you see each year are all still there. You want to leave more of your heart there, so when you come back, its waiting for you. Its good to be back again. Some things changed, some things stayed the same...

I can say for certain that it feels good to finally remember my password to my blog. I can also say that I've learned a lot since my past posting, and I'm looking to share what God is doing in my heart & life. I've gotten married, I've started working in a church again, started Remnant, and am getting ready to start the Leadership School of Southern California with an amazing team here in SoCal. Please visit www.mylssc.com for more infor about it. We'd love to talk w/ you about it!

Lastly, our Christ, He is so amazing at taking the painting I have of him in my heart, and making it a Masterpiece. The hard part is letting him take control of what goes on the canvas of me. If you can choose to let go, He will paint Himself as He really is, which is probably much different than what you've been told. I'm ready for that kind of change...will you join me?